Window Frames

There have been a lot of crafts on Pinterest that involve old window frames that you can make into new pictures for your home. They are all very cute! My mom happened to buy me one for an early Christmas present. So we worked together to make a cute project for my dinning room. I wish I could show you a picture of it hanging up in my dining room but my husband reminded me of the dangers of lead on old window frames. So we got a lead test kit from Lowes and my window tested positive for lead paint. With a baby and four kids in the house I felt like it was not safe for me to try and fix the lead paint problem myself. So my wonderful Dad said he would take the frame and scrape all the lead paint off and repaint it for me. I recommend that if you want to do this project make sure you check for lead paint first! Kits are $10.00 for two test strips. Its super easy and only takes 30 seconds to perform. Check out my pictures of before and after.

Here is the before:

Here is the After: (Sorry the picture isn't the best because of the background but you get the idea)
