How to clean a shower head with almost no effort

This week I am testing out the secrets to using vinegar.

Vinegar Tip #1

Shower Head: Take a ziploc bag filled with 1 inch of vinegar. Use a rubberband to attach the bag to your shower head. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Take the bag off. Dip a sponge in the vinegar and wipe off any remaining residue. It will wipe right off!






This worked out great!! Although, the rubberband can be a little tricky. I got squirted with a bit of vinegar while putting it on. Once I took the bag off I could easily wipe away any leftover grime. Next time I would use a toothbrush instead of a sponge. That way I could more easily reach in between the jets.

Don't miss out on tips for using vinegar in your home this week by subscribing to my blog. When you subscribe I will send you the whole list of all the vinegar tips I will be testing this week and more. You will also receive updates on how these vinegar tips have performed.
